Six Ways to Improve Your Money Karma

We all come into this life with a different karmic map when it comes to money.

You would probably like to overcome certain blocks in order to earn more than you currently are, and there are some magical tips in this post.

The way money blocks show up is different for each of us.

Some can save but have trouble earning, while others have trouble saving but earn easily. Some have more expenses and need to earn much more to be able to keep up. Some of us have mental blocks around money, or early childhood experiences that challenge us.

Some folks have trouble with all of the above.

No matter your money situation, I believe that anyone can earn six figures in their business, as it is our nature as beings to thrive.

I’m living proof of this as my chart doesn’t necessarily promise wealth. I just consistently show up to do the work necessary to make wealth possible.

We have all been enculturated with messages of scarcity and lack that need to be overcome if we want to move through these blocks.

This means we all must create a daily practice of recognizing these messages and reprogramming ourselves.

You don’t necessarily need an astrologer to look at your chart in order to start working on improving your money karma.

Here are a few key tips that can help anyone trying to improve their ability to earn:

  • Do a remedy for Saturn. Saturn is the planet of constriction and scarcity, and he needs to be appeased in order to create more space for abundance and flow.

  • Work with other people, or organizations where you can donate regularly, so that you increase the karmic information involved. Donations give the universe a reason to increase your flow as your earnings are also supporting that cause.

  • Organize your finances. This is again related to Saturn, but you can’t earn if you don’t know what you need.

  • Work actively on the stories keeping you in a scarcity/lack mentality. This is a daily practice.

  • Step out of your comfort zone and experiment with offers to create portals for wealth to flow in.

  • Maintain a disciplined spiritual practice and do mantras for Lakshmi.

Doing these crucial things will set you on a fast path toward abundance.

If you’d like more support with this, get your copy of the Heal Your Money Karma Checklist here and access my free training, Unlock Your Money Karma


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