Bonus training:

unlock Your Money Karma

A deeper dive into the Heal Your Money Karma Checklist and practical ways to get started with Paula Crossfield

want to take this work to the next level?

Join the Heal Your Money Karma course to get a detailed approach to working with your money karma by setting up a financial system that empowers you to create your dreams, gives you a practical and proven way to work with mindset blocks, and a practice around wealth creation.

Join now and get $100 off and another bonus: access to The Planets, my course to help you understand these archetypes and how to work with them productively.

We start with a 30-day sprint and you get access to live calls every month with Paula for 6 months to support your integration.

Laura Benton, course participant

“I absolutely would recommend this program to anyone who is interested in changing their relationship with their finances, with their own self, and with the infinite.

[Heal Your Money Karma] is a really marvelous program that addresses a whole realm of issues in one container.”

Su Iyer, course participant

This program has helped me make huge shifts in my mindset. It really helped drill into my mind that this is about working with your Saturn energy. It’s about discipline.

I now feel very empowered to show up and do the work, create my spreadsheet, use YNAB, and look at my money. That’s huge.